Invisalign Clear Aligners Fort Worth

Straighten Your Smile Discreetly & Comfortably

Crowding, misalignment, and even bite problems can all lend themselves to lower self-esteem as well as arising secondary conditions, like TMJ disorder and bruxism. Instead of needing to commit to wearing metal brackets and wires for one or more years, you can choose Invisalign clear aligners. Not only is this modern orthodontic solution much more comfortable and convenient than traditional braces, but it’s also ideal for both teens and adults. Learn whether you’re a good candidate by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Nobles today.

Why Choose Nobles Dental for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • Discreet Alternative to Traditional Braces
  • A Dentist with 10+ Years of Experience
  • We See Patients of All Ages

How Invisalign Works

The first step of every Invisalign treatment is a consultation with Dr. Nobles. During this visit, our team will be able to outline your treatment for you so you know exactly what to expect throughout the process. We will then answer any questions you have so you feel comfortable and confident moving forward with the process. As soon as we receive your first set of aligners, we’ll call you back to our office to show you how to use and clean them. Then, every four to eight weeks, you will return for routine check-ins until your final results have been achieved!

The Benefits of Invisalign

As a top choice among patients, Invisalign clear aligners have a variety of unique benefits that redefine what it looks like to undergo orthodontic treatment. In addition to the trays’ discreet appearance, they’re also smooth and removable, making maintaining good oral health throughout the process easier and improving patient comfort. Additionally, Invisalign trays can address a variety of issues ranging from mild to moderate in severity, making it a great option for many patients.